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Established in 1970, we are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and furthering the cultivation and use of tropical and rare fruit in South Florida and throughout the world.

Click Here to Learn how You Can Become A Rare Fruit Council Member Today And Gain Access To Our Members Only Web Site Content Full of Even More Information Including Special Members Only Events. 

NEXT MEETING: Friday, February 14th, 2025 Speaker is Kevin Easton:  

Kevin Easton, a Florida resident since 1980 developed a passion for beekeeping since 2009 after retiring from Pratt Whitney. He joined the Palm Beach Beekeepers Club in 2010 and later served as Secretary, First Vice President, and President for 4 years. Kevin is a Master Beekeeper, certified by the University of Florida, and actively mentors others in the field. He has been instrumental in supporting the UF Honey Bee Lab and advocating for bee preservation through collaborations with FDAC's and pest controls organizations. Known as the "Fair Guy", Kevin has managed the beekeeper's booth for over a decade. In addition to managing 20 hives in Florida, he maintains 5 colonies in New York with his wife, Carol. Kevin also served in the Army from 1972 to 1975 and holds degrees in Computer Science, Accounting, Criminology, and Business Administration. 

For more information, please contact Petra Russell, RFC President - 

We hope to see and connect with you soon!

 2025 Speaker Calendar 

Location: Mounts Botanical Garden Auditorium

Time: 7pm

Friday, January 10th

Speaker: David DeMaio, "Irrigation systems for Urban and Agriculture in Palm Beach and surrounding Counties"

Friday, February 14th

Speaker: Kevin Easton, Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association 

Friday, March 14th

Speaker: TBD

Friday, April 11th

Speaker: TBD

Friday, May 9th

Speaker: TBD

Friday, June 13th

Speaker: TBD

Friday, July 11th

Speaker: TBD

Friday, August 8th

Speaker: TBD

Friday, September 12th


Friday, October 10th

Speaker: TBD

Friday, November 14th 

Speaker: TBD

Friday, December 12th

No Speaker, Annual Holiday Party - Members and Family


Palm Beach Rare Fruit Council



are available at our Monthly Meetings


Members in need of the Special Rare Fruit Council blend of

"Fruitilizer" may contact Conner Murphy at 

Incredible Edibles





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